Grateful for feeling the difference between God leading me today versus being in the world and feeling His joy
Thankful for being outside in the allotment, planting raspberry bushes, weeding, surprise extra poached egg plants, planting bluebells, tulips and moving and planting alliums, using the leaf mold from the garden, birdsong, chats with other allotment holders,
Watching the light through the cloud stripes, for work tomorrow, safe driving, seeing snowdrops coming up and potting one clump up from the garden to transfer to allotment, thanks for digging, for exercise outside, for it being cold but then not being cold because of work,
For music, for my cosy home, for good healthy vegetarian food, for again, feeling led, cherished and loved as a daughter, rather than slightly edgy when relying on the world
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 02:17PM by Redfawnbamba
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