(256) 333 - 5559

final 2024 gratitudes

i've been selfish this year. for the better part of the year i've been complaining about my job. i've just had negative things to say about people i work with and my workplace. yes it sucks. but it could've been a ten thousand times worse. i was just so tunnel visioned into my own dissastisifaction i didn't see how privileged i am.

my company helped me relocate all expenses paid. i get paid enough to afford my own space. i was able to host friends/ family without problems of space and privacy. i was able to see new cities. i was able to pick up new hobbies. i didn't worry about bills and expenses a single day this year. i didn't fall sick. i didn't have any injuries. i slept more, better and felt more at peace with myself this year.

yes work wise, it was extremely busy. there were many days and weekends i had no time for myself. i went weeks on end without life admin. not having any time aside from bare necessities. but i am learning to manage my time. lessons were learnt. life has been kind to me during a period of extreme hardship in the world. i will donate some money to a charity.

Submitted December 31, 2024 at 06:14AM by selfimprovementkink
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