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CHRISTmas miracle

I am thankful for the 6 natural pregnancy losses (I added natural because of the number everyone assumes IVF) I had from 9/2023-11/2024. It brought me so close to God and I know without them I would have been the same miserable only praying when desperate Luke warm believer I always had been.

I’m currently pregnant now (my birthday present 12/8 which last year ON my bday I also had a loss) and God willing will meet this one on August 27th, the date of my first loss’s conception was 8/28 (yes I know THE date) He is So good and So intentional.

I could go on and on about my gratitude but words fall short. Keep praising. Keep praying. God is Good. 🙏🏻🩷

Submitted December 23, 2024 at 04:55AM by mrmmp310727
via reddit https://ift.tt/NLrEIGV