Gratitude practice?
It’s an oxymoron, logistically and logically. When I see the term it looks as though there are so many people who are ignorant to Socrates’ work, where this concept is beaten into the ground at length.
A gratuitious action is one that is done with aim and intention, not as a habit. Gratitude something different from an habitual action, which is something “practiced into routine.” To practice something that is categorically not habitual by definition is not a possibility throughout the way our language has developed into common understanding. What you’re doing by “practicing gratitude” is simultaneously stimulating your routine to include gracious actions as well as effectively minimizing the empathetic connection made within yourself and your environment to categorical graciousness, or gratuity, making it less valuable within your own corporeal connection. Effectuating routine is great. But causing yourself harm in doing so is not an acceptable action for anyone to undertake.
In English there is no middle ground for this that balances these cognitive responses. “Practicing gratitude” causes cognitive dissonance in all humans. On the other hand, “identifying gratitude” and sharing it is an exercise worth performing that does not impinge upon the logical constructions that present benefit in the context of understanding a body-mind connection among gratitude, thankfulness, and cognition. Now stop calling something by a misnomer and become less ignorant for yourself and others.
I’m grateful you’ve read this. You’re welcome.
Submitted January 18, 2025 at 04:33PM by averageoracle
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